Social Responsibility

Breakfast Club for Githaruru Primary School, Kenya

In September 2019, we started a breakfast club for Githaruru Primary school based in Gatundu, 60km from Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. The school is in the constituency from which the first president of Kenya, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was born and called home. 

The school is located in a region with high drop out rates due to a myriad of problems which range from poverty and diseases. Parents and grandparents struggle to put food on the table and a number of children live on one meal in a day. The whole family consequently struggles. The children drop out of school to work on low paying jobs to help look after younger siblings and other family members. Dropping out of school by the children results in a cycle of illiteracy and poverty.

SupportedPlus recognises a need for quality education for children in developing countries like Kenya. We started with little steps at Githaruru School. Some of the achievements we made were constructing toilets and installing tanks to harvest rain water. These accomplishments motivated us to do more.


In September 2019, we got support from well wishers to buy start providing breakfast in the form of a cup of prridge to the whole school. The porridge ingredients (sorghum and millet), firewood and payment for a cook costs $1800AUD per term.

The porridge was a hit with the children as you can see from these pictures.  In December 2019, we were honored to have Keryn Date and Paul Wilkinson help us raise funds at Corowa and Rutherglen markets, as well as personal donations from friends and family towards the breakie club for the first term of 2020. 

The students have stayed in school and have been able to “stay focused during lessons”. A big thank you to all our well wishers, for your support that is going a long way in helping stop a cycle of poverty and bringing a smile to children’s faces.