
1. Decision making and choice
Making decisions is a fundamental right to our participants.

Your responsibilities

We encourage participants to express their views and ask any questions regarding the supports available. SupportedPlus will personalise your self-directed supports to suit your lifestyle. Your commitment is to;

  • Tell us how supports will be delivered to fulfil your needs and goals.
  • Be actively involved in choosing and developing a support plan that works for you.
  • Treat staff with dignity and respect.
  • Communicate in a timely manner if you are unhappy about a service.
  • Tell us what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements. To provide feedback or make a complaint, use the feedback and complaint form under the “CONTACT US” tab.
SupportedPlus responsibilities

SupportedPlus ensures that you are actively involved in decision-making based on informed choices. Our commitment is to;

  • Communicate to you about the range of available services in a timely manner.
  • Treat you with dignity and respect.
  • Provide you with information on managing Complaints, compliments and feedback.
  • Provide you with supports that align with protection of human rights and the NDIS Act 2013. You can access this information from our website under the tab “INFORMATION AND RESOURCES > Useful Links” 


2. Privacy, respect and dignity

SupportedPlus recognises the importance of privacy and maintaining dignity as it allows people to freely express themselves. We will;

  • Ensure that you understand that personal information will be collected before provision of services and why it is being collected.
  • Inform you of our privacy and confidentiality policy.
  • Encourage you to raise any concerns or complaints if you think there has been a breach of privacy in confidentiality, and dignity.
  • Ensure that your supports suit your health, privacy, dignity, quality of life and independence.


3. Be Covid Safe

To safely and competently provide supports and services during the COVID-19 pandemic, SupportedPlus has measures in place to reduce exposure and transmission of COVID-19 and maintain NDIS supports and service.

  • Stay home if you are unwell and are experiencing flu-like symptoms.
  • Physically distance from others (stay 1.5 metres away from others wherever possible).
  • Wear protective face masks.
  • Practice good hygiene.
  • Wear a mask in vehicles while travelling with people who are not members of your family.
  • Get tested if you suspect you have come into contact with someone who has symptoms.
  • Look after your mental health and well-being during this time and seek help if concerned https://www.ndis.gov.au/coronavirus


For a full copy of our policies and procedures, please submit an enquiry to SupportedPlus through our website.